
Přemysl Omrt

Přemysl Omrt (* 1951), Czech

And the blacksmith saw the wood…

It's not too often that you can tell the particular pipemaker at first sight, mostly you can distinguish the pipemaking school to which the maker belongs or maybe the country of origin. But only a few pipemakers have a unique style characteristic for their pipes. There is one Czech pipemaker that surely has such a unique style. His pipes can be distinguished even just by the touch, all you have to do is touch, feel a massive piece of wood and you already know the author. Yes, it's Přemysl Omrt from the city Rychnov nad Kněžnou – doyen of the Czech pipemakers.

The generosity of the shapes of his pipes reflects his original profession as an artistic blacksmith. Due to health reasons he had to stop with active work in this profession in 1992. Afterwards Přemysl transferred his blacksmith skills into pipemaking in an form of utility sculptures. To both a smoker or nonsmoker his pipes may seem as small statues.

His work dates since 1971 when he got a briar block into his hands which he drilled himself and so his first freehand was made. He started making pipes just for himself not making any compromises, just strictly according to his imagination and satisfaction. Přemysl himself describes his style very simply: “I always use the whole block, after all it would be such a waste to make the pipe smaller when it's not necessary…”

The shapes of his pipes are influenced by the grain of the wood and respect it all the way through. He also likes to experiment, sometimes it's an oval diameter of the tobacco chamber, other times it's a bravely unconventional construction or material that comes in handy. His natural calabash or coconut pipes designed for a very dry smoke are very well known. He also made several carved pipes. As for the technology he is very conservative, for the finish he uses only perfectly polished wax and sometimes he uses a contrast staining for the various sides of the pipe. His stems are mostly handmade and sometimes there is a rough scratch or finish left as an intentional author's signature.

Still his pipes are neither boring nor rough in a blacksmith kind of way. When you start to perceive them closer you will see that the blacksmith down-rightness is perfected with a feeling for the shape and you will understand all the small details that amplify his work altogether.

You have a unique opportunity, you can see the overview of his own creation in the next two albums.
      Přemysl Omrt, his pipes part I.        Přemysl Omrt, his pipes part II.

Text was prepared and compiled by Jan Klouček
